Meet the Team
Spike (R.I.P)British Bulldog
Unfortunately in January 2017 Spike passed away, he was 13 yrs and 4 months, a truly great age for a Bulldog. He was our first team member and will always be remembered as the founder member of the Tuffdogs Stuff team. He tested most of the toys that we sell and he travelled the length and breadth of the country promoting the team. He was a real character and is sorely missed by all of us, but he will never be forgotten and will always remain in the Tuffdogs Stuff team. CocoaSpanish Water Dog
Cocoa is the lady of the group, hence she loves trying on new clothes and testing them outside, running, jumping and hiking in them to see what stands up to her girl on the go lifestyle, not to mention they need to look good too! Cocoa’s coat is a lovely curly non shedding fur, however the down side is that its like velcro as everything sticks to it, grass seeds, grass balls, any kind of foliage and even snow. Hence why jackets, coats and vests are very important to her, to prevent things sticking in her coat and working their way into her skin which would be very dangerous. LucaItalian Spinone
Luca, or as he is fondly known, Loopy Luca is a 45kg lap dog. Although he loves the outdoors and keeps up with Cocoa’s active life, he likes nothing better than sitting on the sofa with me, paws and head resting on any part of my body he can get to with a very laid back attitude, except when you mention treats and then he moves like a greyhound! |