Continuing on from our blog posts for #Doggy Travels, we now need to sort our provisions out for the mammoth journey of 1423 miles, from the East of England to the South of Spain. One of the most important things is to carry plenty of water. We have filled their H2O4K9 water bottles up but also have extra bottles on standby for refills and emergencies. The H2O4K9 water bottle is a great essential to carry. The screw top lid has been made to accommodate the dogs natural drinking style so they can drink straight from this, no additional bowls are required, which is great for a quick stop and go in our situation. Also the main body of the flask...
Further to my recent grumblings of having to travel a lot and due to my vast experience of clocking up those miles, someone mentioned that I should do a top tip blog for travelling, so here goes, please bear in mind this is just my personal opinion and what works best for me!Get your Dad to stop as many times as you need on the journey, to stretch your paws and have your comfort breaks. Drink plenty of waterMake sure you can stretch out on the back seat or in your travel cage. If you are sitting on the back seat with a Car Travel Harness for Dogs make sure the Seat Belt Tether gives you enough room to move around but...
I was sitting at the traffics lights the other day and a van pulled up along side me, to my delight a British Bulldog was sitting in the front seat (a Spike look-a-like) with the window down and he very kindly put his head out for me and gave me a big grin, (the bulldog not the driver), however I then realised that he had no CAR HARNESS on and no restraint, so it got me thinking, what are the actual laws in the UK for DOG CAR TRAVEL? After doing a little research on it I was quite frankly amazed that they are not more stringent. The only thing that I could find quoted is by the Highway Code, rules...