Three years ago I made a prototype of what has now become one of our most popular toys - the Snuffles Ball. I still have that prototype and Cocoa & Luca use it to this day. Yes, that means that toy is three years old and it is used 3 or 4 times a week. They both still get very excited whenever it appears because they know they are going to have a fun time finding the treats that are hidden inside it.But I must admit that the toy is now looking a little bit worse for wear, a few bits of the fleece are missing and one of the main treats holes can be seen more clearly because some...
We are often asked how to use our Snuffles Balls, so here are a few tips! Cocoa & Luca’s tips for using your new Snuffles Ball: There will be four larger holes running around the centre of the Snuffles Ball. Find one of these holes and pull away the fleece. Insert the desired amount of treats into the hole. Cover the hole with the fleece and make sure the remaining three holes are also covered. You can make it as easy or as difficult as you wish: Easy: make sure the single hole is left fairly open. Difficult: Really ruffle the fleece up and make sure all the holes are covered securely by the fleece. That’s all you have to...
Introducing the Cocoa & Luca’s 'Snuffles Ball' 'Wow' is always the first reaction when people see our Snuffles Balls and the second is 'gosh my dog would love of those’, and for sure Cocoa and Luca both definitely love theirs! But what are they and how do they work? The Cocoa & Luca's Snuffles Balls are basically just a large ball of colourful fleece, underneath all of the fleece is a rubber honeycomb frame. The Snuffles Ball has a hole at the top and the bottom which means you can slot treats through the fleece and into the ball, and as your dog rolls or shakes the ball the treats will fall out. However, because of the...